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The Assault

By September 19, 2021December 14th, 2022Poesy

The Assault

The towers of the ‘Imperial’ city sat squat

and quiet.

Those stones did not cry out – no way!

Imperial flags,

corpuscle-red and eye-socket black,

cracked like

whips in the breeze, but did not wave a greeting

– as if!

We had scouted the walls and wastes about,

our old

sargeant grumbling and swearing and staring.

The ballistae

and trebuchets, (makers of larger death),

quivered with

the battle lust, breathing in the sweat, fear

and whining

of Men, and then breathing out fire and

hell and

silent wall-smashing full stops. We

stormed the

battlements toward last light, the sun in

our enemies

eyes and our arrows and burning pitch.

I ran

and ran and ran, no leather bladder in

my hand.

No! Iron, weighty, pointed, whisker-

splicing, smooth.

A shout of holy defiance on my lips,

letting go

of decorum I embraced and toasted Life

and Death.



Cambo/Emu 2003 – 2021


© The Grumpy Old Dilettante, 2021